Let's Work
Proposals for the improvement of water protection
Krivaja has been serving as a channel for industrial and waste water for years
serial number 9
Until recently (10 years ago), the Krivaja River was clean along its entire 109-kilometer course, with a rich fund of flora and fauna, and even though it is only a few meters wide, generations of Iđošan learned to swim in it. Large industrial plants at the exit from Bačka Topola in Krivaj have been releasing waste water for years, and the unpleasant odors are disturbing the citizens of the municipalities of Mali Iđoš, Bačka Topola and Srbobrana these days. Reports to competent inspections have no effect, because polluters are protected by the Government's regulation on limit values for the emission of polluting substances into water. There is practically no life in the 20 km course of the river through the municipality of Mali Iđoš, and there is no indication that further pollution will soon be stopped.
To oblige the industrial plants at the exit from Bačka Topola, to build waste water purifiers, as soon as possible and thus enable a dignified life in the mentioned settlements.
Insufficiently educated population
redni broj 8
An ordinary citizen does not have adequate knowledge about the extent to which his daily activities affect the pollution of the environment, and thus water. It is not uncommon to see how people pour various waste water into storm sewers, waste from septic tanks (especially in villages of individuals with a large number of livestock) it is questionable where they take it and discharge it, septic tanks that are oversaturated (individuals solve the problem by directly draining waste water into canals for irrigation), inadequate consumption and loading of drinking water (unnecessary watering of sidewalks, yards, etc., as well as inadequate use of household chemicals), construction of buildings (cottages) in the water catchment area.
Poboljšati proces edukacije stanovništva (od vrtića i škola, do organizovanja predavanja za odrasle, podela edukativnih flajera uz račune za vodu i sl.). Uvesti kontrolu registrovanih poljoprivrednih gazdinstva. Čišćenje septičkih jama da bude samo nadležnost komunalnih službi, a kažnjavati pojedince koji to obavljaju na svoju ruku. Poboljšati rad komunalne i građevinske inspekcije na lokalnom nivou, ali takođe i uvesti jaču kontrolu rada iste od strane države. Ubrzati rešavanje problema izgradnje kanalizacionih sistema i prečistača. Dati podsticaje domaćinstvima za kupovinu i ugradnju prečistača otpadnih voda.
Enormous pollution of Svrljiški Timok
serial number 7
Svrljiški Timok, once a clean and drinkable river, today is an extremely polluted river, especially in its lower course. In addition to household waste, the biggest problem is industrial pollution and waste water pollution that is directly discharged into the river through the sewage network of the city of Svrljig. The source branches of Svrljiški Timok, as well as the smaller watercourses that flow into it, belong to the first class of waters, so they are still inhabited by autochthonous species of animals. The problem is observed with the first inhabited places that gravitate towards the Svrljiški Timok river system itself. Waste from households generally ends up in the riverbed or near the riverbed, so that in times of high water it mostly ends up in the watercourse itself. A bigger problem is the discharge of waste water, fecal water and water from industry directly into the sewage network, which eventually flows into the Svrljiški Timok without any treatment. In this way, the water of Svrljiški Timok downstream from Svrljig is classified into the fourth water category. If this problem were to be systematically solved, the Svrljiški Timok could in the future represent a true paradise on earth, because it carved one of the most beautiful gorges of our country in its lower course, over a length of 15 kilometers.
Rešenje ovakvog problema je vrlo jednostavno. Dva osnovna uočena problema su sledeća: Prvi se ogleda u tome da javno komunalno preduzeće iz Svrljiga, čiji je osnivač lokalna samouprava, nema kapaciteta, ljudstva i sredstava da obuhvati i organizuje odvoženje i deponovanje otpada iz domaćinstava koja se nalaze u naseljenim mestima koja su smeštena uz sam Svrljiški Timok ili vodotokove manjih reka koje cine rečni sistem Svrljiškog Timoka. Problem bi se rešio ukoliko bi Javno komunalno preduzeće u budućnosti moglo da obezbedi nedostajaću tehniku u vidi kamiona za odvoz smeća, dovoljan broj kontejnera i kanti, kao i najbitniju stvar, dovoljna novčana sredstva za upošljavanje novih radnika. Trenutni broj radnika za izvođenje ovakvog posla nije dovoljan.
Drugi i najveći problem je ispuštanje otpadnih voda direktno u vodotok. Problem bi se najlakše rešio izgradnjom i puštanjem u rad postrojenja za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda. Prednost Svrljiga je u tome što je osamdesetih godina prošlog veka izgrađeno postrojenje za preradu i prečišćavanje otpadnih kanalizacionih voda, međutim to postrojenje nikada nije pušteno u rad. U međuvremenu zbog znatnog propadanja ono je izgubilo svoju funkciju ali je važna stvar da su svi vodovi otpadnih voda dovedeni na jedno mesto te bi to u budućnosti prilikom izgradnje novog postrojenja bila izuzetna olakšavajuća okolnost.
Ostala zagađenja kao što su na primer zagađenja upotrebom hemijskih sredstava u poljoprivredi, korišćenje septičkih jami i slično predstavljaju minoran problem u odnosu na ova dva glavna problema zagađenja Svrljiškog Timoka