Let's Work
In cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, the project "Regulation of waste water systems within the framework of the circular economy" was implemented within the Center for Circular Economy.
Educational lectures were held in order to identify problems in the field of environmental protection related to the management, remediation and monitoring of waste water, in accordance with the principles of the circular economy with an effect on the management of economic resources and local self-government.
Through these lectures, the participants had the opportunity to become familiar with the rules and legal frameworks for the adequate treatment of waste water, as well as its reuse according to the basic principles of the circular economy.
2022 year
Association "3e" in cooperation with the city municipality of Zvezdara, implemented the project"Recycle waste oil and become part of the circular economy", which is part of the global project to protect the health of the population and the environment. One of the most important goals of this project is to raise the awareness of citizens about the harmful consequences of improper treatment of waste cooking oil, as well as about the ways of proper treatment in households.
By motivating citizens to acquire knowledge and available solutions about the proper treatment of waste cooking oil, the harmful impact that waste cooking oil has on the environment of all of us is significantly reduced.
By transferring knowledge to the environment by adopting the correct guidelines and applying them, it additionally contributes to a better quality of life for all citizens and the entire community, which can significantly contribute to the direct reduction of the negative impact of the release of waste cooking oil into natural recipients.
At the information desk set up in the busiest parts of the municipality, all citizens could be informed and directed to the correct treatment of household waste cooking oil.
The representatives of the Association were available to the citizens in providing all information, where they also answered all the citizens' questions. Brochures containing basic information on adequate methods were distributedtreatment of household waste cooking oil, as well as the importance it has on environmental protection. Various models of oil disposal bins made of recyclable disposal material were also on display, so that citizens could learn more about the proper treatment of edible waste oil after its use in the household.