Let's Work
In cooperation with the Secretariat for Environmental Protection of the City of Belgrade and the "3e" Association, the project "We save nature with knowledge" was implemented. The goal of the project was to motivate children, to create conditions for the active involvement of the students of the elementary school "Radoje Domanović" in its implementation, with the aim of raising awareness and the importance of protecting nature and the environment that surrounds them.
In teaching practice, it has been shown that today's children best accept content that is presented to them and approached in an interesting and practical way and in which they are actively involved. That is why the project is organized in the form of an interesting creative-educational workshop, where through through socializing, provided children with education, expanded their knowledge and frames of view and observation of the environment and the environment in which we live.
An additional benefit of the project was finding "ambassadors" among this group who will further educate members of their generations and in this way influence the improvement of the living conditions of the entire community and make the project sustainable in the future.
It is evident that quality spending of free time and social inclusion, at the general level of the target population, is at an insufficiently high level and that it is necessary to direct it to healthy lifestyles.